Détails de l'annonce
Publiée le:
12 juillet 2024
Type de poste:
Lieu de travail:
Tunis, Tunisie
Entre 5 et 10 ans
Bac + 5
Plein temps
Arabe , Français , Anglais
Secteur: banque / finance / assurances
Taille: Entre 200 et 500 employés

Bank ABC Tunisie est une Banque Internationale filiale du Groupe Bank ABC fondé en 1980 à Bahreïn, Leader sur son segment de marché. Le Groupe Bank ABC est présent dans la région MENA, en Europe, en Asie, aux Etats-Unis et au Brésil et fournit des produits financiers et des services innovants exhaustifs comprenant le financement des entreprises, le financement des opérations de commerce international, le financement de projets, les financements structurés, la levée de fonds sur les marchés de capitaux, les syndications bancaires, les produits de trésorerie et la finance islamique. Notre Groupepropose également des services bancaires aux particuliers en Tunisie, Jordanie, Egypte et Algérie. Bank ABC est présente en Tunsie sous un double statut : une entité Offshore opérationnelle depuis l’an 1993 et une Banque commerciale résidente opérationnelle depuis l’an 2000. «Etre une Banque Internationale Leader dans la Région MENA» est notre Vision Stratégique. Les 3 C’s « Client au centre de notre attention, Collaboration et Cohérence» sont nos Valeurs Universelles.

Description de l'annonce:

Bank ABC is recruiting a Training and Career Development Manager within its Human Resources Department at the Tunisian Branch.

Job Summary:

The Training and Career Development Manager works to ensure that employees have the capabilities and behaviors to perform their roles well and understand what is required for them to progress in their careers.  They manage the learning and professional development of the Bank’s employees by developing specialized training courses to equip employees with the knowledge, practical skills, and motivation to carry out work-related tasks.

The Training and Career Development Manager is also responsible for implementing robust and relevant talent management and leadership training in accordance with the Bank’s strategy and priorities.

Main Tasks:

    -  Training

-  Establish the annual training plan according to the needs and strategy of the bank and ensure the review of the approved training plan to be aligned with the bank’s strategy.

-  Manage & optimize training budget & ensure cost follow up.

-  Prepare the educational and financial report (Ristourne sur la TFP & crédit d’impôt) on the system (Platforme Malek) before the deadlines.

-  Deploy a wide variety of training methods and ensure the monitoring and evaluation of training program’s effectiveness, success, and ROI periodically and report on them.

-  Ensure the staff induction program for new joiners.  

-  Actively promoting e-learning and ABC Academy.

-  Assist on the monitoring and coordination of the Corporate Governance Board Training.

-  Ensure the constant update of the relevant HR policies and standards.

-  Working with Risk and Compliance as appropriate, ensure that statutory training requirements (if applicable) are met.

-  Ensure regular updates and follow -up on the Head Office reporting.

-  Ensure the KRIs & KPIs reports updates. 

    -  Career Development

-  Manage an employee career development process that ties in with succession planning and implement and manage the succession planning process.

-  Create mobility programs and supporting policies.

-  Implement the Management Trainee Program to cultivate future talents for challenging rewarding professional careers within the Bank ABC group.

-  Implement & constantly develop the Talent Action Plan (TAP) process to actively enable engagement on succession plans.

-  Ensure Bank’s performance management through the E-Goals & E-JDs platforms.

-  Internship Management.

-  Ensure the constant update of the relevant HR policies and standards.

-  Ensure the back up of the Talent Acquisition Officer. 


-  A minimum of 7 years’ experience in HR Training, Talent Management & Development.


-  A minimum of a master’s degree in Human Resources or similar job relevant qualification

-  Any additional certification is a plus.


-  Knowledge of the full range of HR Training.

-  Talent Management & Development and Leadership.

-  Career Management & Development.

-  Regulatory CNFCPP.

-  English and French speaking proficiency.

Personal attributes:

-  Outstanding interpersonal, relationship building and employee coaching skills.

-  Passionate and enthusiastic about delivering training.

-  Tenacious approach to delivery and quality of output.

-  Professional, confidential, ethical, and diplomatic attitude under all circumstances.

-  Open-minded, culturally sensitive, people-oriented, non-judgmental.

-  Organized, structured & works by the book.

Bank ABC is an equal opportunity employer and qualified women are strongly encouraged to apply.