
Secteur: banque / finance / assurances
Taille: Entre 200 et 500 employés
Bank ABC Tunisie est une Banque Internationale filiale du Groupe Bank ABC fondé en 1980 à Bahreïn, Leader sur son segment de marché. Le Groupe Bank ABC est présent dans la région MENA, en Europe, en Asie, aux Etats-Unis et au Brésil et fournit des produits financiers et des services innovants exhaustifs comprenant le financement des entreprises, le financement des opérations de commerce international, le financement de projets, les financements structurés, la levée de fonds sur les marchés de capitaux, les syndications bancaires, les produits de trésorerie et la finance islamique. Notre Groupepropose également des services bancaires aux particuliers en Tunisie, Jordanie, Egypte et Algérie. Bank ABC est présente en Tunsie sous un double statut : une entité Offshore opérationnelle depuis l’an 1993 et une Banque commerciale résidente opérationnelle depuis l’an 2000. «Etre une Banque Internationale Leader dans la Région MENA» est notre Vision Stratégique. Les 3 C’s « Client au centre de notre attention, Collaboration et Cohérence» sont nos Valeurs Universelles.
Description de l'annonce:
Bank ABC is reinforcing its Compliance Department with the recruitment of a Compliance Officer.
The Compliance Officer will be responsible for ensuring that all corporate processes and procedures comply with the local regulations as well as they comply with internal policies & procedures.
I - Principal Responsibilities
1. Participate in the development of a Compliance function covering bank wide compliance risks and addressing amongst others:
• Financial Crime Risk Assessment
• Compliance Risk assessment & follow-up of regulatory change
• Anti-bribery & Corruption Risk Assessment
• FATCA Reporting
• Preparation of Compliance reporting including KRIs
2. Policy and operational standards:
• Ensure that all key aspects of policy and standards as approved by the Board are effectively communicated, reviewed, with clear ownership and accountability.
• Participate in the procedure implementation & update of Manual of Compliance Procedure
• Initiate and manage investigations into possible breaches of policy and standards.
• Participate in the implementation of an appropriate Compliance Monitoring, Assurance and Testing plan.
• Manage the alerts of Screening & Monitoring systems.
• Detection of suspicious & unusual activities.
• Review of Customer due diligences files related to new and legacy clients.
II - Job Requirements:
1. Academic Background:
Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field, a master’s degree is a plus.
2. Languages:
French & English proficiency.
3. Experience:
Minimum 2 years in a similar position in the banking sector is preferred.
4. Knowledge:
An understanding of bank products & services.
5. Personal Attributes
Teamwork spirit.
Integrity & Honesty.
Organized & meticulous.
Time & stress management.
Bank ABC is an equal opportunity employer.